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Trinity County Office of Education (TCOE) believes that the diversity that exists among the county's community of students, staff, parents/guardians, and community members is integral to TCOE’s vision, mission, and goals. Addressing the needs of all learners requires recognition of the inherent value of diversity and acknowledgment that educational excellence requires a commitment to equity in the opportunities provided to students and the resulting outcomes. TCOE shall proactively identify practices, policies, and institutional barriers that negatively influence student learning, perpetuate achievement gaps, and impede equal access to opportunities for all students.
TCOE shall make decisions with a deliberate awareness of impediments to learning faced by its student population. To ensure that equity is the intentional result of TCOE decisions, TCOE shall consider whether its decisions address the needs of its student population. TCOE decisions shall not rely on biased or stereotypical assumptions about any particular group of students.
TCOE shall promote equity in TCOE programs and activities, through measures such as the following: 

1. Routinely assessing student needs based on data disaggregated by identified student groups in order to enable equity-focused policy, planning, and resource development decisions 

2. Analyzing expenditures and allocating resources in a manner that provides all students with equitable access to TCOE programs, support services, and opportunities for success and promotes equity and inclusion 

3. Enabling and encouraging students to enroll in, participate in, and complete curricular and extracurricular courses, advanced college preparation programs, and other student activities 

4. Building a positive school climate that promotes student engagement, safety, and academic and other support for students 

5. Adopting curriculum and instructional materials that accurately reflect TCOE’s student population 

6. Providing and/or collaborating with local agencies and community groups to ensure the availability of necessary support services for students in need 

7. Conducting program evaluations that address the academic outcomes and performance of all students on all indicators.TCOE shall regularly monitor the intent and impact of its policies and decisions in order to safeguard against disproportionate or unintentional impact on access to TCOE programs and achievement goals for specific student populations in need of services.



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