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Homeless Awareness In Trinity County
November 19, 2023

According to Homeless Education Technical Assistance Centers (HETAC), "In 2007, Congress passed its first resolution recognizing November as National Homeless Youth Awareness Month (NHYAM) to build awareness around the issue of youth homelessness, including its causes and potential solutions, and highlight the need to work to prevent homelessness among children and teens. 


Since then, November has been a time to elevate the issue of youth homelessness; applaud the efforts of businesses, organizations, and volunteers dedicated to meeting the needs of children and youth experiencing homelessness; and grow the commitment to intensify efforts to prevent and end homelessness among young people in the U.S.


In support of the federal resolution recognizing November as NHYAM, many states, including California, have passed state resolutions recognizing the same. 


If you would like to find more information in regards to the housing insecurities that youth face in our state and Trinity County, visit the two links listed below.


According to the Census Day Point In Time Count for the school year 2022/2023, Trinity County sits at the fifth highest percentage of identified homeless/unaccompanied youth out of the 52 counties in the state. According to the California Department of Education Geographical Information System (GIS) mapping program, documented and identified youth experiencing housing insecurity account for almost 10 percent of our county’s student body. Those numbers have grown so far this year.

You can learn more about the McKinney Vento program for our homeless youth in Trinity County here:


McKinney Vento Questions? Contact:

Erin Burger

McKinney-Vento/Homeless Youth Support Liaison

Trinity County Office of Education

(530) 623-2861 x 261

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