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Welcome back to school everyone!!
The Trinity County Office of Education team is excited to be starting another school year with you and your education teams. :)
As our office and the needs of our school districts evolve, we continue to adapt to the needs of our school’s staff, students, families and communities.
Wellness Coaches: This year is no exception, as we continue to place significant emphasis on student health and wellness. Through our team’s efforts we’ve been able to secure both grant funding and prioritize our own funding to ensure that our Wellness Coach / Liaison program continues in addition to retaining our mental health programming, other health services and support for special education.
Instructional Support Coaches: On the Education Services front, we’re thrilled that our Instructional Support coaches will be starting their 2nd full year as a team. We’ll continue to coordinate After School and Tobacco Prevention programming and our usual swath of events, in addition to providing musical instruction to a number of school districts.
Business Office Continues to Evolve: The business office has also changed over the last few years with our staff handling business operations for a number of districts in addition to the traditional roles of AP processing, payroll and other aggregate functions.
For a full list of our employees you can see our org chart here or go to the staff page on our website.
We’re looking forward to a successful school year and are excited about supporting our local school districts, students and families.
2024-2025 Organizational Chart by Kaila Arnold
12/30/24 10:36 AM