About School Heath Services and Wellness
Attendance and Academic Success: Healthy students are more likely to attend school regularly and perform better academically. School nurses contribute to improved attendance rates and overall student success.
Health Assessments: School nurses conduct health assessments of students to identify any physical, emotional, or developmental concerns that may affect their academic performance. These include state-mandated vision and hearing screenings in K, 1st, (color vision), 2nd, 5th, 8th and 10th grades
Illness and Injury Care: Oversees, directs, and provides appropriate care for both chronic and acute health conditions in the school setting.
Health Education: School nurses educate students, parents, and school staff about various health topics and emphasize the promotion of healthy lifestyle choices to optimize and maintain overall well-being.
Immunization Compliance: works with all of the schools to ensure students meet the state's immunization requirements.
Health Planning: School nurses develop individualized health plans for students with specific healthcare needs, such as allergies, diabetes, asthma, or other chronic conditions. These plans outline necessary accommodations, emergency procedures, medication administration, and communication strategies between healthcare providers, parents, and the school.
Collaboration and Referrals: School nurses collaborate with teachers, administrators, counselors, and other school staff to address health-related concerns that may impact a student's academic success. They may refer students to appropriate healthcare professionals or community resources for further evaluation or treatment.
Health Policy and Program Development: School nurses are involved in developing health programs and initiatives tailored to the specific needs of students. They also play a role in implementing and enforcing health-related policies and procedures within the school environment.
Crisis Management: In times of crises or emergencies, such as natural disasters or outbreaks of contagious diseases, school nurses work closely with school administrators and local health agencies to develop and implement response plans to safeguard the health and safety of students and staff.