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Prop 28 Revised Funding Amounts Released
November 19, 2023

For help with your strategic plan on using your Prop 28 funds, contact Joanne Tucker from TCOE at

The revised funding amounts for Prop 28 funds have been announced, with the funds expected to be released to LEAs in February. (Originally these funds were set to be released in July 2023, were then pushed to fall of 2023 and are now expected to be released in February 2024.)



On November 8, 2022, California voters approved Proposition 28: The Arts and Music in Schools Funding Guarantee and Accountability Act. For schools receiving this funding, approximately $938 million for the entire state has been appropriated in the Budget Act for 2023 for the AMS program for the 2023–24 fiscal year. (LEAs do not need to apply for AMS funds. Funding will be automatically allocated by the CDE to each K–12 LEA.)


"Arts education program" includes (but is not limited to) instruction and training, supplies, materials, and partnership programs for instruction in: dance, media arts, music, theatre, and visual arts including folk art, painting, sculpture, photography, craft arts, creative expression including graphic arts and design, computer coding, animation, music composition, ensembles, script writing, costume design, film, and video.


All funds must be used to provide arts education programs, as described in FAQ 8. LEAs with more than 500 pupils must expend at least 80$ of the funds to employ certificated or classified employees to provide arts education instruction and the remaining funds for training supplies, curriculum, professional learning, materials, and arts educational partnership programs. The department may, for good cause shown, provide a waiver from this requirement. Additionally, no more than 1% of funds received may be used for an LEA’s administrative expenses, including indirect costs, to implement this program.


LEAs that use AMS funds for arts program instruction as part of the regular school day should keep in mind that statute requires that students be under the immediate supervision and control of a certificated employee of the LEA.


Revised Funding Amount

The revised funding amounts can be found on the CDE’s website here:

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