Federal Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”), implemented at 34 C.F.R. § 106.31, subd. (a), provides that no person shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any academic, extracurricular, research, occupational training, or other education program or activity operated by a recipient which receives federal financial assistance. Relevant here, Title IX requires school districts to take immediate and appropriate action to investigate when it knows or reasonably should know of a possible Title IX violation.
Melanie Holmes, Executive Director of Human Resources and Business Administration, is the Title IX Coordinator for the Trinity County Office of Education and can be reached by telephone at (530) 623-2861 x225 or by email at melanie@tcoek12.biz.
Click here for the Title IX Coordinator Training Materials
Student complaints shall be submitted in written form in accordance with Superintendent Policy 5145.3 and 5145.7 and Administrative Regulation 1312.3 attached at the conclusion of this document. If the complainant is unable to prepare the complaint in writing, administrative staff shall help him/her to do so. The COE provides a complaint form at the conclusion of this document. (Scroll to the bottom of this web page for those resources.)
Complaints must be filed within six months from the date when the alleged unlawful discrimination occurred, or from the date the complainant first obtained knowledge of the facts of the alleged discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying that is based on sex. The time for filing may be extended up to 90 days by the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee, for good cause, upon written request by the complainant setting forth the reasons for the request for an extension of time to file a written complaint.
The compliance officer may informally discuss with all the parties the possibility of using mediation within three business days after his or her receipt of the complaint. All complaints shall be appropriately investigated in a timely manner. Within 10 business days after the compliance officer receives the complaint, the compliance officer shall begin an investigation into the complaint. The investigation shall include an opportunity for the complainant, or the complainant’s representative, or both, to present the compliance officer with any evidence, or information leading to evidence, to support the allegations in the complaint. Unless extended by a written agreement with the complainant, the County Office of Education shall issue a written decision based on the evidence within 60 calendar days from receipt of the complaint by the County Office of Education.
Any complainant who is dissatisfied with the final written decision may file an appeal in writing with the California Department of Education within 15 calendar days of receiving the decision.
Complaints made by or on behalf of students may also be filed with the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights within 180 calendar days of the date of the alleged discrimination, unless the time for filing is extended by the Office of Civil Rights for good cause shown under certain circumstances.
Additional details about procedures for filing a complaint may be found in within the content of Superintendent Policies 5145.3 and 5145.7 and Administrative Regulation 1312.3.
The following list of rights, which are based on the relevant provisions of the federal regulations implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq.), may be used by the department for purposes of Section 221.6: