Using Jim Knight's High-Impact Instruction model and the Impact Cycle coaching method, Trinity County Office of Education has two instructional coaches for K-5 and 6-12 teachers. But what is instructional coaching?
The Impact Cycle in instructional coaching is broken down into three steps: Identify, Learn, and Improve. Not every cycle follows the exact same checklist and could even be a quick technology training and not a full Impact Cycle. But, the below provides an example of what an Impact Cycle might look like. The teacher-set goals are typically within one of four categories: Content Planning, Instruction, Assessment, or Community Building.
- Teacher gets a clear picture of current reality by watching a video of his lesson or by reviewing observation data (video is best).
- Teacher works with coach to answer the Identify questions and identify a goal.
- Teacher identifies a student-focused goal.
- Coach shares a checklist for the chosen teaching strategies.
- Coach prompts the teacher to modify the practice if the teacher wishes.
- Teacher chooses an approach to modeling that he would like to observe/learn.
- Coach provides modeling/learning in one or more formats.
- Teacher sets a time to implement.
- Teacher implements the practice.
- Teacher or coach gathers data on student progress toward to the goal.
- Teacher or coach gathers data on teacher’s implementation of the practice.
- Teacher and coach meet to confirm direction and monitor progress.
- Teacher and coach make adaptations and plan next actions until the goal is met.
Interested in instructional coaching for the 2023-24 school year? Tell us in the link below!