Trinity County office of Education (TCOE) TUPE programs supports and provides technical assistance to all of our districts, and includes classroom-based substance abuse prevention programs, intervention and cessation services, and youth development activities, such as peer education.
Every Trinity County school district is receiving assistance to support Tobacco Use Prevention Education for students, staff and parents. TCOE works closely with each district to provide educational resources. Most of our school districts have a TUPE site coordinator and are using the Stanford Tobacco Prevention Toolkit and the Catch My Breath curriculum to educate students on the effects of vaping. The use of tobacco, e-cigarettes (vaping), and marijuana is strictly prohibited on all campuses.
TCOE plans to re-apply for the Tier 1 Grant funding for 2024-27.
TUPE Coordinator
Trinity County Office of Education
(530) 623-2861 ext. 232